Tuesday 2 July 2013

Bring Money to Me!!!

How do i change my negative beliefs surrounding money?
How do I use the tool of money in a positive and healthy and happy way?

I think I have the belief that "You have to work hard for money"
Or in order to make money you have to "do things you don't like, or sacrafice your time, and personality by putting on a role (that usually feels wrong to me) I want to make money by enjoying my time, and feeling accomplished and like i helped someone/something for a good cause.

Teal Scott says; if we want to invite money into our reality, we can't be focused on the lack of money. We also can't hope to manifest money if we have negative attitudes towards money.

Teal outlines 12 steps to take in order to generate wealth in your life and begin manifesting money into your experience. She urges us to understand that we do not need to work hard to earn the abundance that we seek. Instead, it is our birthright to receive the manifestation of anything we could possibly think up to desire... including more money. The experience of abundance is an experience you deserve and you don't have to "do" anything to deserve it!

1. Focus on (pay attention to) things which make you feel as if you already have abundance and wealth and not on things which make you feel poor. (Be in a space of appreciation.) Attitude of Graditude

2. Visualize what you want, why you want it and what you'll do with it. It has to be believable for you. If its not believable, when you are visualizing you will be thinking i want that but i dont think i can have it and thats what you will get more of. When you find out why you want what you want you align with having it.

3. Root out and replace your limiting beliefs relative to money. Get a positive association with money. Loving money doesn't make you a selfish person. 

4. When you have to spend money, think your way into it feeling good to spend that money. No buyer's remorse, no guilt, no focus on lack or loss. Don't spend money you dont feel about, line up with feeling good about whatever you spend $ on. Line up with the purchase you have made. 

6. "Follow the white rabbit". Set forth an intention and let the opportunities show up for you in the shape of synchronicities and unexpected coincidences and then act on inspired action. Only take inspired action (what feels good to do) it will fall into your lap. it may not immedietly make sense but it will. Never act out of need. Ideas may suddenly pop into your head and your inspired to take action upon it.

7. Re-frame your life from one of earning/effort to deserving. Most people think that they don't deserve things that they don't earn, by extending a lot of effort. this is actually inline with self hate. Entitlement is not even, you are deserving and entitled to anything you dream up. Focus and allow. release all resistance (focused on thing you are resisting.) 

8. Take any step which will help you to release resistance relative to money. This is individual, for example, for some that may mean creating a budget, for others it may mean saving.

9. Take note of EVERY form of abundance which is flowing into your experience no matter how small or large. And don't take inventory (focus on where you aren't yet) instead trust the universe to deliver exactly what you ask for. The law of the land is Ask and it is given. 

10. Take time to visualize that you are a magnet who breathes money to you.

11. Engage in a virtual spending spree.

12. Shift all of your attitudes towards safety/security. Don't treat money as if it is the thing separating you from disaster or not being safe. Instead, treat thoughts of lack of safety like they are the things separating you from disaster and not being safe. You want to focus on visualizing what safety and security would feel like and also on shifting your beliefs about all aspects of your life where you feel powerless. This will ensure that money will not be influenced by your focus on fear, disaster or powerlessness.
Everytime you breathe visualizw money is drawn to you and sticks to your skin. Imagine everything you will do with the money...
Reserve a bill you have like a $20. Have a virtual spending spree. Every time you spend the $ it goes right back to your wallet. keep increasing it. 
Money can flow into your life like air. It is that easy.

here is the video link of Teal Scott explaining the steps!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1tiHT3lJX8

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