Thursday 4 July 2013

Delete Delete

Delete delete!

Delete my old emails and I can clear out my mind,
(my cousin was talking to me about how she is a delete lover, she loves getting rid of stuff and I notice she gets over things quickly, she's very strong. With a warrior energy but soft and feminine,  bright and full. I have always kind of clung on to things and its sad to say goodbye, but with her its fun and freeing. This is a quality I am now having too! What a great way to be grateful, even when you are letting go do it with joy.)

Unsubscribe to things I don't want anymore and clear anyone who's bothering me daily in my head,

Upgrade my virus protector and Protect myself in my mind by forming my protective filter,

Clean out the old clutter. Let space and expansion flow to fill your life brighter and smoother

Internet to me is very like our human minds and connections we just haven't tapped into them yet. Well most of us. I think our minds are connections and we are all interconnected with each other by lightning bolt umbilical cords of energy connections, like an electrical wire and connections in the back of the computer. 

Internet Connection
Neuron Connections in our brains
I feel like i flow smoother on the internet, like I am safe to do my thing without feeling "watched." And its fun and easier than heavy life. Its life but much lighter. 

Totally different topic: (or maybe not)
I am reading the lovely Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie and tomorrow's daily meditation is;
 "I woke up one morning and found myself in a strange place. Instead of waking up to pain, I felt happy, at peace, and excited about being alive. This feeling had come around before, but never to stay or last. Now I knew that it was mine for good. It was where this journey had led."
This is beautiful. 
I know that emotions in our experience need to be dealt with and released, otherwise it comes up to the surface. It breaks through the intuitive waters of the mind/heart/soul to the surface of the physical manifestation (your body or environment). Everything is connected, so be it below, so be it above. Like the tree and its roots, like yin and yang, like hot and cold, your body/mind/heart/soul needs balance and temperance. When you are hurting on the outside (in your body or environment) it is mirror or something the inside (of your mind/heart/soul.)
So it makes sense to me when the quote above said that when she changed her mind to joy, she was no longer in pain on the inside or outside.

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