Sunday 21 July 2013

my life last week- pictures!

So, whats been going on?
(I'm a week behind- the garden photos are already outdated- sunflowers are taller than me! Peas are making peas, zucchini the size of my head! food is growing! Cant wait for ripe tomatoes

Austin went missing for a night! Honestly I thought he was a goner.
 Thankfully, he stumbled upon some nice neighbours who took him in and fed him well!
This is him right after, content looking 
 Hibiscus Flower bush, I planted into the ground today (don't have a picture yet but I will)
 Zucchini by the compost!
 Grape vine and a colourful hanging reflector 
 New pathway!!

 Parsley and Basil I grew from seed! So proud of my little guys!
 Garden from a far, expanding!
Sweet peas, fenugreek, Spinach going to seed (pulled that out now)
Sunflower and sweet peas

The Salad greens, some mustards are flowering and arugula, mmm
gemini, eye in the sun

Salad greens, lettuce, carrots in the back left corner, and tomatoes!
A colourful salad
Kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, bok choy, arugula, and all sorts of greens
Lily (who I dog-sat) at the beach!
Goofy picture of me
Shrunken view

Didn't see this, but I love it!
Thanks for viewing! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I do!


  1. Hi Gardener:
    Some one far away from you yet close to his heart wants to really connect with you!
    Please open the door for a new friend you once liked. Thank you
    For: any hint please use:
    or facebook:

    I believe there is still room for him!!As there is all the room for you here in Africa again

  2. Now, about everything I have seen here about your wonderful life! I am impressed and hope you continue in every good works.

  3. Hi Gemini:

    You may not know me but am the most passionate being you can ever cross path with. I know what you Love to eat most and I know you haven't had enough sun to play under that can burn and turn your skin. Ask your friend. She knows

