Wednesday 10 July 2013

growth and peace

I'm feeling a whole lotta healing happening :)

I woke up content.
My dreams were beautiful as always but i wasn't wanting to stay there, i was ready to wake up. I'm rested. I see so clearly now. Much more clearer than I did before.

 Revelations of an Indigo;

1. I always hated it when people looked at me. When they stared as I walked by. I felt 'watched' and like i have no privacy. like their prying eyes could see through me, into my soul, they could see all my negative aspects. I was ashamed and felt worthless. I wished i was invisible, i didn't want them to focus on me. I didn't like the attention.
But now. I know I am an Indigo. I am bright, I am a light, I shine to people. They are drawn to me because I make them feel good. The only person who was viewing me as a dark shadow of regrets was myself. I tried to cover my light. Smother it. I'm still not totally sure why I did this. But I am open and bright now. Im throwing away that old image of me and choosing a bright indigo shine. Rays of light and energy.

2. My third eye chakra and heart chakra are always open. I have never doubted God, I have never doubted my connection to God. I have doubted my worth which in a way doubts God, but I pray that I will not do that anymore. My heart has always been open and loving and ready to Love.

3. When I was a kid I always knew I could fly, or teleport. I knew these powers existed and I was frustrated that I could't figure out how to use them. No one told me about them. I just knew.

4. My whole life I knew I am here to help. My life's mission has always been to help. To help people, to help animals, to help mother earth, to help love. I was a picky eater, my parents would say "starving kids in Africa would love to eat the food you throw out" and I always said ":take me there, I want to give them my food. Save it. Can we mail it?" and when I graduated my Mother and I flew to Africa to help for 5 weeks.

5. My first dream job was to be an astronaut. I wanted to go to space so badly and no matter what everyone said i was stubborn as heck for 3 years of my childhood that i was going to be an astronaut. I've always loved the moon to the extreme. I don't think there are many people out here who understand my deep and loving connection to the moon. The mystery, the yin, the serene stillness, and the calling I hear her calling.  She yearns as I do.

More indigo Info:

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