Saturday 20 July 2013

worthy of love

Am I worthy of Love?

I just took a quiz about chakra healing and one of the questions was,
I  feel unworthy of love?
I was to pick strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree.
I chose strongly agree
and burst into tears,
I am now writing this, while still crying, to hope to clear this up.

I stopped in my tracks at that question. I stared at it for a few seconds, I didn't want to click that I strongly agree that I am unworthy of love. But I honestly feel that way. I mean, I have my logical mind that says of course you are worthy of love. But there's this HUGE hurting part of me that shakes its head in defeat. No I'm not worthy.
I am not enough. I don't give enough, I don't try enough. I am not enough. I'm not good.

I don't want to believe this. I didn't even know I had this belief.
How do I change it?
My life will be so much better if I do.
I want to love myself and feel that I am worthy of love.
but Something is still holding me back, 
what is it?

What does holding the belief "I am not good" do for me? 
How does it benefit me? It protects me? Somehow, its like a self saving/sabotage thing i guess. 
How does having this belief hinder me? It holds me back from completely loving myself. It blocks me from my abundance and success in money and job areas, and spiritual practices, and growth in every aspect of my life. It's all about me, and if I don't feel worthy of love that's like building a house on a crumbly foundation! No wonder I'm having such a hard time! 
I am worthy of love. I am. I am Good. I am. (breathe deep).

If I want to live my life, Empowered and Successful and Spiritual. I need to know that I am worthy of every second of it. This will also help me stay in this moment, and not go over and over the past, and fret about the future. I am worthy of love this very second.
 That makes me feel good. :) 
I know that I am worthy of love. 
Ahhh, how nice is this feeling! Mmm, I feel warm, and bright, content, deep. The deep down inner good stuff. :) The essence.

The harvest of my pain was its own peace and remedy.

As low as I had sunk, I rose, faith restored from blasphemy.
Body, heart, and soul obscured the path, until
Body melted into heart, heart in soul, and soul in love itself.
~ Rumi

Wow, now I feel calm.
I am imagining my life, me, Empowered; smiling radiantly in the sun while surrounded by people smiling too. Successful; A Health Coach, or a Empowerment/spiritual coach, continue gardening, creating art, writing books, surrounded by health and spirit. Spiritual; In Touch with my inner self and feminine, Able to listen fully, appreciate fully each moment, Strong faith. I am worthy of it all. Of course I am! I know I am. I love me so much. I am the freaking best!!

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