Wednesday 3 July 2013

Knowingness and Dreams!

Thank you Universe for sending The shift with Swag my way!!
Thank you self for aligning with that!!
I just read her blog "finding your knowingness" and LOVED IT I am floating on air right now! Woot Woot.
5 things I know right now;
I know I am Love
I know I am spirit in a human form but I am also still spirit in spirit form too
I am all knowing! I have all the answers I need
I am awesome!! I am a bright shining light
I am worthy and deserving and entitled to anything and everything i can dream up!

I am dreaming up:
A body that flows and moves and is limber and stretchy, a flexible body, a loving body, a comfortable body that is free to move about with ease and contentedness.
A white or blue truck that takes me to the beach, on a camping trip, surfing, to visit and support family, to go to the island with, to get around in and have a blast in.
A dog to love, A dog to walk, a dog to roam with and learn from, a kind and protective friend who teaches me more about myself.
A happy home of my own with Kiel. A bright home with hidden areas for Kiel to hide away in and feel safe, but also bright rooms and big windows for me to flourish and grow in.
Painting supplies, An easel or whatever that standy upy thing is called that holds the canvas. All different mediums and details to express my inner pictures and moods and expression.
Dancing confidence and singing confidence. Open my voice to myself and others, feel free, Care only about how good it makes me feel, know in my inner self the beauty and freedom of singing and dancing. the release.
A boat!!! (and a boat trailer) A motor home!!! To travel and see this beautiful world, to island hop and visit beautiful magical healing lands.
Galiano living, and Hawaiian living. Galiano trips and stays for weeks at a time, Hawiian get-aways in the winter months to regain my strength and source energy (the sun)
Writing a book!!!

Update; (July 21st, 2013)
Well, everytime I read this post I feel amazing, I just love it. And i thought I'd do a little update and show myself how powerfull my positive intentions are and the energy I've put into this list and envisioning it.
1. Ive been doing a lot more yin yoga, and i have dvds to learn about fascia (thin muscular "plastic-like" layer that is everywhere in your body and is stretched with yin yoga) For a more limber and flexible body.
2. I dogsat for my sister, and had an amazing time! I had some good realizations about myself and control, and how to just flow with life. Stop trying to control everything.
3.We have been evicted, which means we've got to move on to a new home! (whoops should have refined my idea of transition from this home to a new one, Im praying for peace, and dancing in the storm.)
4. No painting supplies yet, but I feel it coming
5. Dancing confidence and singing confidence, I have leanrt new things about these and also started spontaneously dancing or singing! People in my life are encouraging much more than ever in my life. Like I didnt even realize i was singing, I was just singing, "baby, baby, baby, baby" in a familiar tune, and Kiel goes, "I like it when you sing"- Oh! I didnt even know I was singing, but thank you! Thats encouraging to know when Im not even trying, you like it :). And Im helping a woman clean her house, the other day when i finish she goes, "I think we should dance!". Sweet encouragements like that. Thank you angels!
6. A BOAT!!!! MY DAD BOUGHT A FRIGGIN BOAT! holy shit I manifested a boat!!! He did too, obviously but that is too flippin cool!!!
7. Galiano Living, and Hawaiian living, well it has been HOT and I received the Hawaiian flower :) the Hibiscus what a beautiful flower, brings me to Hawaii every time i look at it. And we are going to Galiano in 15 days!!!
8. Last but definitely not least, Im writing a book!!!!!
So, if I have learnt one thing, when feeling amazing and light as air, write a list of things you know, and a list of things your dreaming up. Put in a picture that really resonates with you, and go over the list while envisioning and being grateful whenever you can. You will manifest it!!1

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