Friday 12 July 2013

Money Honey...and Abundance too!!

Hey there readers! Thank you so much for reading my blog by the way!
I have 924 page-views!! And people all around the world including; Canada, Russia, Germany, South Korea and the States (and more) are reading my blog! Too cool! Love you guys.

So yesterdays post (Happiness for Mom) may have arisen some questions about my views of money...(I am actually writing a book about this!) So I thought I'd hopefully clear that up a little.

I don't think that money is bad. Money is a tool. Its in the spiritual world and it has manifested itself into the physical world to help us and enable us. It is freeing and necessary (unless you are willing to really be tested and faithful.) But God/the Universe gave us money for a reason. Its not to be avoided.

There are many beliefs around money like; Rich people are selfish, The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and Poor people aren't helping themselves...

Well, It does seem like many rich people are selfish, but what about the rich people who give a lot (for example Ellen Degeneres!)... Rich people are not all bad, money doesn't change your attitude but it AMPLIFIES it. So if you are a giving and deserving person (and you believe yourself to be, because really we are ALL deserving.) you will become more giving and more deserving, so no matter how much you give, you will always be rich with money. (Like how Ellen gives away free stuff ALL THE TIME and yet is still rich.) But if you are selfish money will AMPLIFY that.

The rich get richer because they are born into a family with beliefs that they are entitled to money. They KNOW it flows abundantly and they are tapped into that flow because they know it is abundant. You can never make someone else poor by being rich, just as you can never be poor enough to make someone else rich. This universe is ABUNDANT meaning you don't get your quota and that's it! You can ALWAYS receive more. It is all about your belief.

The poor get poorer because they grow up thinking "there is not enough money", "I can't afford that", etc.. so their belief is whats holding them back. (Including me, and I am still working on tearing down this belief.) For some reason I don't feel worthy of having abundant money. Because I guess, I feel that it is selfish when there are starving people in the world. But really, If I had more money I would give it to those starving people, thus I would be less selfish than I am when I'm broke and not giving any money! Wow, just realized that as I was writing.

Poor people aren't helping themselves... Ugh. I have have a tough time with this because it is put on me everyday. I'm not working a conventional job. I am employed by spirit! (As a wonderful man pointed out to me recently.) I am working on breaking these limiting beliefs that "you have to give up your precious time, energy and thus passions in order to make a living." But, perhaps I am not helping myself...well obviously I'm not since I am broke...which completely relates to my limiting beliefs about money.

I don't think that working is bad. But I know, for me, giving up whats important to me is bad. I want to work for a company that is GOOD for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING that it comes in contact with. Simple. I also don't want to work myself exhausted so I don't have time or energy to write, paint, sketch, tend to my garden, visit with and love my kitty, Kiel and my family, etc... I'm not willing to give up my entire week so I can recuperate on the weekend just to start the grind again, feeling like something is missing and seeing how empty the cycle of working to live and living to work is.

You may be thinking "Well, geez, of course we all don't want to work, but I have to." I'm here to tell you NO, you don't HAVE to. You choose to. Which is not bad, but if you are unhappy with your job and you associate yourself with your job you are going to be unhappy with YOURSELF. What good things would you be able to do for YOU if you didn't work as much as you do? What are you losing by working all the time? If you didn't have to work, what would you do?

Imagine your dreams, your passion, image your bliss. Start envisioning it, make it feel real in your mind. I encourage you to keep it up and make steps towards doing these things. No one else on earth can be you. You are here for great things! If you don't do it, no one else will. And (I don't mean to scare you) but what if you died tomorrow? Would you look back on your life and say "Man I'm glad I worked so much and forgot about my dreams."? I think not. So please, for you. Find a job that makes you feel good. And if you can't. Stop working, even just for a little bit. Allow yourself to play, and believe in the possibilities. This universe is abundant. Meaning your dreams can come true ABUNDANTLY! And that, is worth celebrating!!!

Thanks for reading!! Love to you!!

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