Thursday 11 July 2013

Happiness for Mom!!

I just got of the phone with Mom. She is volunteering at a  farm called Providence!!!!

She is volunteering!! She's not slaving away!
The farm she works at does good for everything and everyone that it comes into contact with! 
It is good for the soul! - Her words!! 
She's gotten out of the system!! Im so proud! 
Maybe I trail blazed the way for her to not care about getting paid! I started that! She was resistant in the beginning. She always wanted me to succeed and her image of success meant that you had to give up a lot and work very hard and its tough but the reward at the end will be worth it. I couldn't live that way- and when I say couldn't I mean couldn't, I was digging my own grave when I tried. She didn't understand at first. I remember her saying “but how do you make money? How are you benefiting anyone? Your just mooching.” And I said, "I tend to the garden, which makes Dad happy. I clean the house which makes Dad happy. I am there to visit which makes Dad happy. And he likes to provide for me because what makes me happy makes him happy. Kiel likes me around, he is happier when I'm there, I bring him up. I bring them both up, with my sharing, and my love. And so its a mutual relationship with both parties benefiting." I saw the look in her eye, it wasn't a judgement or a resistance, it was a ohhh....huh....maybe id like that? And now talking to her, I believe I did help her with that way of thinking.
I'm changing this belief system not only for myself! But for my Mother!!!! I am so happy. 
So full of Joy! It's my greatest dream, my biggest wish! Happiness for Mom! 
My beautiful childlike and yet wise Mother. She is a warm, caring soul. A beautiful inner child. A drummer, A drummer to her own beat. A leader, a singer, a laugher, a Lover. 
~And I love her with all my heart~

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