Tuesday 1 October 2013

Lately (poem)

Lately I am like the weather,
Grey and full of moisture,
heavily I loom,
bright and bouncy at times,
My eyes are half open

Lately I am like a flower,
My body is half sore,
I am open and vulnerable,
saying goodbye to my petals,
leaning over far too much

Lately I am like a cloud,
collecting and growing,
I want to go forward,
I feel pulled back, held back,
stuck with all the others

Lately I am a falling leaf,
last blow,
lost touch,
falling to the ground,
emptiness below takes my breath away

Lately I am like a snowflake,
breaking free from the rest,
trust the fall,
I see patterns within patterns,
I am dancing in flow

Lately I am like a raindrop,
melting into the unknown,
warming my core,
I feel warm and blurry

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