Wednesday 20 March 2013

from my heart

This post doesnt need any pictures or fancy titles. Its from my heart.

Its funny when you find what you really want. What you dream of, wish for. And then you meet everyone elses skepticism because they mistake your enthusiasm for naivety. Its sad when you believe them and doubt yourself. Its awful to be fearful and let your fears get in the way, especially without realizing. Its paralyzing to continue further and lose what you think you wanted when you finally got it. But its indescribable when you realize the more you lose the more you gain, when you are stripped away of everything, and you remember what it felt like to be a kid. Dependent yet confident, unknowing yet trusting. Its beautiful to see the falseness of all your blockages and walls. The beliefs and limitations. All this time Ive searched outside of me. When everything I ever wanted is in me. Its funny, 23 and I finally trust myself.

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