Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Meaning of this

This is what is in my head;

What is the meaning of this?
I work hard to get that government/powerful job and when I do I feel accomplished. The higher I go, the more I make. I get to work Monday to Friday 9 to 5, its not that strenuous but its not that fun. I try to meditate for a day, then forget about it until next year. I try to exercise for a week then stop for a day and never start back up. I have kids and they grow up. Now I am retired. Sitting in my nice house, with my nice car, new TV, and nothing to do.
What is the meaning of this? 
This is what I strive for?

The Dahlia Lama believes the meaning of life is to be happy. He says every human wants and strives for happiness. Everyone comes up against obstacles and as long as we remember that we can come up against our obstacles better. Remember to be happy. Remember to enjoy what we have, now.

My life isn't black and white. It isn't boring, or predictable. I'm not a government worker, or a power seeker. I don't want any job "because it makes good money." I don't see the meaning in that. People might not be proud, or understand, but my life is my life. And maybe only I can find my meaning in it.

What is the meaning of your life?

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