Wednesday 19 February 2014


The cats, the dog and I sit curled up with ourselves. Snuggled up. We watch the rain hit the ocean, the tree's leaves and we listen to the tip tapping on the roof. I think it must be a day to rest. 
Then I look out and see the seagull, mid flight, having a ball. Swooping down to the ocean and plucking out a meal, perhaps. Mocking and playing with the other seal's head that pops out of the water. The seal isn't bothered by the rain either. I look out further and oh my! It looks like a party out there! The seagulls are plenty. They seem as though they are playing games. Full of life and excitement, one, two, three... flap, flap, flap. I swoop, now you swoop! Tag! Your it, FLY!! All together now. 
Excitement oozes out of them this rainy morning. This grey-pitter-patter day. 
Now they make music together. Among the sounds of the rain the joyful "Caw, Caw" and high pitch shrieks are musical. 
There goes the seal again. Just before he goes down into the water he lifts himself up out of the water slightly, to take a deep breath. Perhaps as his lungs fill with air he becomes more buoyant and that is what makes him rise slightly out of the water. I suppose that's what makes us all rise. Breath. Breathing in spirit, and when we die, we let go of our breath and sink into the earth. Now the gulls have all took flight. They are circling, dancing, flapping, mingling, enjoying the breeze.
Flapping up, Up, UP, now straighten out your wings, turn your body to the side and SWOOP down. Amazingly missing the other gulls on a similar path. 
They're all gone now, behind the point. 
Oh! Here they come! All together, what a rush! They look so free, free to climb upward so easily. Now it looks like they're playing leap frog! And then they all take flight together, what amazing communication. That would be lovely. I wonder if they doubt themselves, doesn't look like it. But I suppose the grass is similar shades on both sides of the fence. Life is no easier for them then it is for me, no more beautiful, no more. 

Just for a day, can I be a seagull? 
Can I fly too? 
Can I play silly games and be part of a community, all together. 

On these rainy dreary days I would fly-dance too.

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